A winter Friday night warmed with a special touch of classical jazz and jazz elements dished out with love by young Perth artists Angelo Ravina on piano, Efa Mackenzie and Isabel Sargon on vocals for the benefit of Kusina ng Kalinga. What a wonderful world! Glory to God. At Cocoa & Rose Sponsored by Jumeirah Music Centre Perth
Last night was a blast! We are honored and grateful for your invaluable support. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to shine God’s light in the darkness of the world!
(Photos courtesy of Sandee Sindol Wedding)
Angelo RavinaEfa MackenzieEfa MusicIsabel SargonIsabel SargonCecilia Alvarez ConcepcionCocoa & RoseMiyan IrineoEllen MayManny Tamayo PhotographyGawad KalingaGawad Kalinga Perth